
Adding Scully to your project is as simple as running one command:

ng add @scullyio/init

If you are using a NX vanilla workspace (non Angular workspace)

npm install @scullyio/init
nx g @scullyio/init:install -- --project=<projectName>

NOTE: After installation, if you were serving the app during the installation, you need to restart ng serve.

The ng add @scullyio/init will run our init schematic which makes all the necessary changes the Angular project, so you don't need to go through a lengthy setup process.

The above command creates a Scully config file named scully.<projectName>.config.ts, where the projectName is the name of your Angular project.
This file looks like this:

import { ScullyConfig } from '@scullyio/scully';

export const config: ScullyConfig = {
  projectRoot: './src',
  projectName: '<projectName>',
  outDir: './dist/static',
  routes: {},

Even with this basic config, you are now ready to build your Angular app using Scully for the first time!

NOTE: It is important to know that any routes in the Angular project that contain route parameters will not be pre-rendered until you modify the above config to account for those parameters.

The JSON Plugin is an example of how to configure route parameters with Scully.

WSL Pre-Requisites

WSL is a Linux subsystem within Windows, therefore, it does not come with the entire pack installed, because of that Puppeteer needs chrome to be installed within the subsystem.

sudo apt install ./google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb

WSL Scully config

Once chrome is installed within the subsystem, we are going to configure puppeteer to support it with the following flags within the scully configuration within the project. scully.{{your-project}}.config.ts

export const config: ScullyConfig = {
    puppeteerLaunchOptions: {
      args: [