Create markdown files and skeleton

Scully provides a schematic for adding the plugin needed to read markdown files and create a url for each of them.

ng g @scullyio/init:markdown

This will ask you to complete the config and create/update the files needed to support Markdown skeleton in your angular app. Example:

ng g @scullyio/init:markdown
? What name do you want to use for the module? myMarkdown
? What slug do you want for the markdown file? idFile
? Where do you want to store your markdown files? myMarkdownFolder
? Under which route do you want your files to be requested? md
    ✅️ Update scully.t1.config.ts
CREATE src/app/my-markdown/my-markdown-routing.module.ts (439 bytes)
CREATE src/app/my-markdown/my-markdown.component.html (153 bytes)
CREATE src/app/my-markdown/my-markdown.component.spec.ts (657 bytes)
CREATE src/app/my-markdown/my-markdown.component.ts (516 bytes)
CREATE src/app/my-markdown/my-markdown.component.css (131 bytes)
CREATE src/app/my-markdown/my-markdown.module.ts (424 bytes)
UPDATE scully.t1.config.ts (631 bytes)
UPDATE src/app/app-routing.module.ts (634 bytes)
    ✅️ Blog ./my-markdown-folder/ file created
CREATE my-markdown-folder/ (111 bytes)
What name do you want to use for the module?

This is the name used to create your angular module.

What slug do you want for the markdown file?

This is the slug Scully uses in the Angular router.

Where do you want to store your markdown files?

Scully needs to store the markdown files in a folder, so the schematics create the folder and adds the path to the scully config.

Under which route do you want your files to be requested?

This is the route Scully adds in the Angular router.