`⌚ scully-plugin-time-to-read πŸ“– Plugin

The scully-plugin-time-to-read is a routeProcess plugin for Scully that processes a specific route and will add the 'readingTime' property to the `RouteData. This property reflects the time that people need to read the content.

This plugin is designed (and test) to work with the blog schematic and the contentFolder plugin.

πŸ“¦ Installation

To install this plugin with npm run

$ npm install scully-plugin-time-to-read --save-dev


Add the folowing configuration to your scully config:

// scully.config.ts
setPluginConfig(timeToRead, {
} as timeToReadOptions);

You can now use the RouteData and get the readingTime property in your component. To get the routes you can use the ScullyRoutesService and pass the route with data to your component.

Below a example of how you can use the readingTime property in your component.

  Date: {{ route?.data?.date | date: 'dd-MM-yyyy' }} - {{
  route?.data?.readingTime | number:'1.0-0'}} min read