Generating new blog posts


To create a new blog post, run the following command:

ng generate @scullyio/init:post --name="This is my post"

Available Options

option description default
name Define the name for the created post 'blog-X'
target Define the target directory for the new post file 'blog'
metaDataFile Use a meta data yaml template from a file for the post undefined


Let's look at an example. We want to create a new blog post so we type the following in the terminal ng generate @scullyio/init:post --name="Angular tutorial". This triggers the following output:

ng generate @scullyio/init:post --name="Angular tutorial"
? What's the target folder for this post? blog
    ✅️ Blog ./blog/ file created
CREATE blog/ (99 bytes)

Above you are prompted where you want to place your blog post. You go with default, which is the blog/ directory. You can then see above how the file is created with this message:

CREATE blog/

Let's have a look at the generated

title: Angular tutorial
description: blog description
published: false

# Angular tutorial

At the top of the file there is a frontmatter, a set of instructions Scully is using. Those are:

  • title, this is the title of the blog post
  • description, this is the description
  • published, this is a property representing whether the blog post is published or not. It takes a true or false.

Generating the blog post route

Next you want to build Scully to generate the route. Type the following in the terminal:

npx scully

Note: When you added or removed routes to your angular app(not a blog post, a new route) you do need to run npx scully --scanRoutes. That will make Scully find the new route(s) you just added

The above will start a process that will generate pages. Have a look at your file again, it has changed. Now the file contains the following:

title: 'Angular tutorial'
description: 'blog description'
published: false
  - ___UNPUBLISHED___kao8mvda_pmldPr7aN7owPpStZiuDXFZ1ILfpcv5Z

# Angular tutorial

The property slugs have been added to the frontmatter above. slugs contains an anonymous URL as long as the property published is set to false. This is a URL that you can share with others to for example get feedback on your blog post before it goes live.

NOTE, when you gave the command to build Scully the blog post you just created in Markdown was converted to HTML and placed in the directory dist/static/blog/<anonymous slug value>/index.html.

Serve the website

Now that page and the route has been generated, let's serve up the application and ensure it works. Type the following command to serve the static site built by Scully:

npx scully:serve

The command will give an output looking like so:

Angular distribution server started on "http://localhost:1864/"
Scully static server started on "http://localhost:1668/"

Open up a browser window and navigate to the URL http://localhost:1668/:

Your blog post can be found on the URL http://localhost:1668/blog/<anonymous slug>, which if you check the frontmatter above means the following URL http://localhost:1668/blog/___UNPUBLISHED___kao8mvda_pmldPr7aN7owPpStZiuDXFZ1ILfpcv5Z.

You should now see the following output in the browser:

ScullyIo content
Angular tutorial
End of content

Going live

At some point you are happy about the blog post you just authored. At this point you want to open up and change the published property to true to publish it. Also clear the slugs property so it no longer has the anonymous slug value. The file should now look like this:

title: 'Angular tutorial'
description: 'blog description'
published: true

# Angular tutorial

Run the following command:

npx scully

This time around it will render a different route. By default Scully will create a route with the same name as the markdown file minus the extension. Have a look at dist/static/blog and you will see it looks like so:

--| dist
----| static
------| blog
--------| angular-tutorial
----------| index.html

Let's serve this up with the command:

npx scully:serve

Open up your browser and navigate to the URL http://localhost:1668/blog/angular-tutorial.

Overriding the slug

If you are not happy with Scully's convention of creating the slug based on the filename, you can change that by introducing the slug property in the frontmatter of the markdown file. Change the file to the following:

title: 'Angular tutorial'
description: 'blog description'
published: true
slug: angularjs-still-rocks

# Angular tutorial

Above the slug property has been added and assigned the value angularjs-still-rocks. This will instruct Scully to use this as the route instead. Now generate the routes anew with this command:

npx scully

Note how the dist/static/blog folder now has a new entry, namely angular-js-still-rocks/index.html.

Serving up the static app with:

npx scully:serve

The blog post can now be found at http://localhost:1668/blog/angularjs-still-rocks.