Plugin Type
A plugin of type routeProccess
allows you to modify the handled route list, before Scully starts rendering each of the routes.
It receives the handledRoute array, and returns a promise of handledRoute array.
A route process plugin
allows you to manipulate any of those routes.
Suppose the application has the following routes already configured by a route process plugin:
If you want to remove routes: 'user/3
and 'user/5
. A route process
plugin can be used for this.
Making a route process
Lets implement a route process
plugin that removes 2 HandledRoutes
from an application containing the following route: /user/:userId
const { registerPlugin } = require('@scullyio/scully');
function removeUserIdPlugin(
routes: HandledRoute[],
config = {}
): Promise<HandledRoute[]> {
return Promise.resolve([{ route: '/user/3' }, { route: '/user/5' }]);
registerPlugin('routeProcess', 'removeUserIds', removeUserIdPlugin, 100);
When you register the plugin you can put in an optional number. When you have multiple routeProcess plugins, it is sorted by this number.
After implementing the plugin, configure the scully.config.ts
file in order to use it.
Configuring a route process
There is no need to update the config file for this. A routeProcess
plugin will run after all handledRoutes
are added, and before the routes.scully.json
is written to disk. You can use those plugins to add or remove any routes as you see fit. Just make sure it returns an HandledRoute[]
when its done.
the number in the registration is used to set the order if you are using multiple, and the order in which they execute is important.
When you need more config for this kind of plugin you can use the config functions that are available for all plugins.
interface RouteConfig {
/** this route does a manual Idle check */
manualIdleCheck?: boolean;
/** type of the route */
type?: string;
* an optional function that will be executed on render.
* Receives the route string, and the config of this route.
preRenderer?: (route?: string, config?: RouteConfig) => Promise<void | false>;
/** Allow in every other setting possible, depends on plugins */
[key: string]: any;
export interface HandledRoute {
/** the _complete_ route */
route: string;
/** String, must be an existing plugin name */
type: string;
/** the relevant part of the scully-config */
config?: RouteConfig;
/** variables exposed to angular _while rendering only!_ */
exposeToPage?: {
manualIdle?: boolean;
transferState?: Serializable;
[key: string]: Serializable;
/** data will be injected into the static page */
injectToPage?: {
[key: string]: Serializable;
/** an array with render plugin names that will be executed */
postRenderers?: string[];
/** the path to the file for a content file */
templateFile?: string;
* additional data that will end up in scully.routes.json
* the frontMatter data will be added here too.
data?: RouteData;
The HandledRoute
interface provides the needed properties to develop your own plugin.
route: string
An application route to be handled by Scully.
This is the fully qualified route info. That means there should be no variables left in there.#
are not allowed, and query parameters are ignored.
type: RoutesTypes
Indicates the type of plugin. Contains the name of the routing plugin that should handle this.
This is a mandatory field that must be provided. When the type doesn't exist, Scully will terminate, as it doesn't know what to do.
defaultPostRenderers?: string[]
Array with string ID's of the content-renderers that will be run on all routes.
postRenderers?: string[]
Array of plugin names to be executed after the initial page render.
Each of the plugins in this array will be rendered in the order they appear, and they will receive the output HTML from the previous plugin.
Moreover, this array replaces the defaultPostRenderers
const defaultPostRenderers = ['seoHrefOptimise'];
const sampleConf: ScullyConfig = {
routes: {
/** gets the default postrenderes */
normalRoute: {
type: 'default',
/** adds to the default postrenderes */
someRoute: {
type: 'default',
postRenderers: [...defaultPostRenderers, 'myAddition'],
/** removes the default postrenderes */
someOtherRoute: {
type: 'default',
postRenderers: ['unique'],
The defaultPostRenderers
and postRenderers
are designed this way in order to allow you to dispose of the default renderers. Moreover, the current design is versatile, flexible, and it makes it easy to opt-out.
Do not forget to add the defaultPostRenderers
templateFile?: string
The file's name containing the template to be rendered. Unrelated to the Angular template!
This property is specific to contentFolder
. It contains the full path to the file that should be used to generate the content.
Remember that content will be inserted after the initial rendering.
data?: RouteData
The data added to this property will be added to the routes data in scully.routes.json
This data will also be extended in contentFolder
routes with the front-matter data out of the start of the templateFile.
export interface RouteData {
title?: string;
author?: string;
published?: boolean;
[prop: string]: any;
Route Process Plugin Interface
export type RouteProcess = (routes: HandledRoute[]) => Promise<HandledRoute[]>;
A route process plugin is a function that that receives an array of HandledRoute
to be processed and it returns them.
The HandledRoute
interface is described above. It receives a string with the unhandled route, and the config for that specific route.
A route process plugin function should be as follows:
function exampleRouterPlugin(routes: HandledRoute[]): Promise<HandledRoute[]> {}
It receives an array of HandledRoute
. Then, it waits for each route to be processed and then they are returned.
Then, they are added into the scully-routes.json
file generated by the npx scully