Community starter projects.
In this page we have a list of starter projects that are build by our community.
Scully, Flotiq and Snipcart boilerplate
Scully, Flotiq and Snipcart boilerplate
Build an e-commerce site with Scully, Snipcart and Flotiq.
You will get a simple, functional e-commerce website with your own products, running live on the Internet.
Uses Flotiq Angular SDK, which simplifies development!
Few clicks to deploy your project to Netlify!
Event Calendar with Scully and Flotiq
Event Calendar with Scully and Flotiq
Build your own calendar filled with various events and share them with others!
Uses Flotiq Angular SDK, which simplifies development!
Few clicks to deploy your project to Netlify!
Scully and Flotiq starter for a culinary blog
Scully and Flotiq starter for a culinary blog
Set up your culinary blog in a few steps and share your amazing recipes with the world!
Uses Flotiq Angular SDK, which simplifies development!
Few clicks to deploy your project to Netlify!
Scully and Flotiq - portfolio website starter
Scully and Flotiq - portfolio website starte
Build your projects showcase with Scully and Flotiq and present it to others all around the world!
Uses Flotiq Angular SDK, which simplifies development!
Few clicks to deploy your project to Netlify!
Scully and Flotiq - blog starter
Scully and Flotiq - blog starter
Build a personal blog with a few steps using Scully and Flotiq!
Uses Flotiq Angular SDK, which simplifies development!
Few clicks to deploy your project to Netlify!